1961: Expanding Fleer's Only NFL Set
In 1961 Fleer issued a football set including both NFL and AFL players. This was the only year that both Topps and Fleer released a set with players from both leagues. In 1962 and 1963 Fleer would focus their sets on AFL players before getting the NFL contract for 1964-1967. The original 1961 Fleer set is a lovely looking set that is clean and backed with minimal bio information on the backs. At 220 cards covering both leagues, several key players didn’t have a card issued in this set which is where RetroCards comes in.
In the first of several series, this set adds 24 more cards featuring NFL players. RetroCards has already produced team sets of the Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, and Dallas Texas. As per usual, these team sets feature players who didn’t have cards in the regular 1961 Fleer set and the new series, which covers the rest of the teams in the NFL and AFL, follow suit.
Players in series one include: Timmy Brown, Buddy Dial, Fran Tarkenton, Lamar Lundy, John Morrow, George Izo, Johnny Sample, Karl Rubke, Don Chandler, R.C. Owens, Pat Studstill, Jimmy Hill, Sonny Jurgensen, Mike McCormack, Joe Lewis, Dan Colchico, Dick James, Zeke Bratkowski, Terry Nosfinger, and Frank Gifford. Additional cards feature the NFL Championship, NFL Pro Bowl, NFL Playoff Bowl, and a wrapper card. Order here!