1969 Rams: Dominating On Defense

Offensively, the Rams had balance and depth but it was the defensive unit that captured headlines with the Fearsome Foursome. Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen, Roger Brown, and Lamar Lundy plus up-and-comers Gregg Schumacher and Coy Bacon were as good as it gets as the defense continually set the table for the Rams offense led by Roman Gabriel.
This RetroCards set includes: This RetroCards set includes: Coy Bacon, Roger Brown, Joe Carollo, Charlie Cowan, Irv Cross, Willie Ellison, Ken Iman, Lamar Lundy, Tom Mack, Jim Nettles, Richie Petitbon, Milt Plum, Myron Pottios, Joe Scibelli, Ron Smith, Pat Studstill, Wendell Tucker, Clancy Williams, George Allen, and the Fearsome Foursome.