What will happen to the hobby of sports card collecting when the baby boomers pass on? Will Gen-Xers inherit their father's expensive baseball card collection and then sell them? Will Generation Y care about a card that doesn't have a jersey swatch in it?
Is the reason there is no more gum in packs of cards due to Millennials' parents demanding all that sugar be removed?
Sports card collecting is entering a new phase. After the crash of the baseball card market in the mid 1990s, where parents were investing in cards on spec hoping to put their children through college on the proceeds, card companies began producing higher end cards in lower quantities. Pieces of bats, goal posts, and of course, jersey were imbedded into cards and were sparingly inserted into packs. Autograph cards, also rarities, were put in pack increasing the demand for those high end cards. But what about the low end cards? The card of that favorite play you got an autograph from in the mall but never made the All-Star game? Most cards aren't worth much, so what will happen with them. Will they just wind up in a landfill?
Two brothers found a use for those old commons with their Baseball Card Vandals venture. They hand draw on old card and create "new original art" with a touch of humor.
[caption id="attachment_3718" align="alignnone" width="212"] This card punks Tommy Lasorda[/caption]
These one-of-a-kind cards are actually selling! Using Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter, brothers Bryan and Beau Abbott have figured out a way to use the millions of worthless cards and make them unique and re-collectible! Their premise is simple and straightforward: decent jokes on worthless cards. I quick perusal of their online store shows just how in demand some of their cards are! New cards are posted twice fresh daily.
[caption id="attachment_3717" align="alignnone" width="300"] Ned Flanders Hockey card sold for $50[/caption]
I would describe these designs as a cross between Wacky Packages, Garbage Pail Kids and run of the mill sports cards - an eclectic mix for sure! The humor can be sophomoric, off-color, or downright hilarious as I found myself laughing out loud at several of the cards. I must confess that I never saw this niche in the marketplace erupting but God Bless 'em!
Check them out at shopbcv.com or find them on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.